Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday and Friday November 15 & 16

Thursday we had to say goodbye to all our friends at Anurag. It was amazing how close we came to the children and staff in such a short time. The primary kids met us in the courtyard for their goodbyes.

This picture is of the Industrial Training Students.

Then we headed out to Panipat. A bustling industrial town about 2 1/2 hours outside of Delhi. We toured the factories in which I do business. We also had lunch with the owners of the factory. It was great introducting them to the team.

Friday we got up and said goodbye to the YWCA. (Note we are making the YWCA with our hands.)

Then we headed to Bible Bhawan for Alissa's baptism. (The photo above is right after she was baptized). Alissa wanted to be baptized in India since it made such an impact on her Christian life. This made a big impact on all of us. It was a great honor for me, her dad to pray with her.

We then headed out for Jaipur. This was about a 5 hour ride.

Jaipur is in Rajastan state. It is an ancient city with forts and palaces dating 100's of years old. We got in too late to tour anything so we did a little shopping and ate at an iffy restaurant. Hopefully, our we won't develop Delhi Belly. Seriously though, pray for me (Kurt), I am coming down with a lot of body aches and sore throat. Hopefully it is just a cold, but the mosquitoes are rapant.

That is all for tonight.

1 comment:

Gloria Nelson said...

Hey Team, you're on the homeward stretch. Had enough Indian food yet?! I'm sure an all-american burger is sounding pretty good about now.
I hope nobody got sick from that "iffy" resturant. I am praying for Kurt and the rest of the team. I pray that God will give you His strengh, healing, and joy as you complete your mission and return home to your waiting family and friends. I am confidant that although your bodies are tired and complaining, your hearts are full of deep-felt joy and satisfaction at what you have been experiencing.
In Him, Gloria

Romans 12:1
"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."

Matthew 26:40
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me'."