Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ministry at Anurag Continues (November 14)

We had another wonderful day serving the Lord with devotions, music, drama and games. We are finding the most significant part of every day on the mission... the PEOPLE! The people of India are so kind and gracious. It has been great watching relationships begin and friendships grow. It is our prayer that these friendships will be eternal and that our investment is spiritual.

They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words... sit back and listen to a sermon full!

It was Children's Day across India today as they celebrated the first Prime Minister's birthday. We helped them celebrate by bringing a new television and DVD player with several Christian movies on DVD. We also spoiled the children with candy and treats... so glad we brought over 1,000 toothbrushes in our bags.

The Anurag Society is small in comparison to most mission societies, but huge in the impact it has in its community. Today we visited a separate ministry that is sponsored by Compassion International sponsors, but overseen by the Anurag leadership team. It sobering to see a sign in the Compassion office that reported out of the over 250+ students - only 1 was a Christian. Anurag is a light shining in a very dark place. Once again the classrooms provided us with A+ entertainment and hospitality.

The girls were busy with games and crafts... it was amazing how much noise a room full of young ladies can make when they are having fun and focusing on making jewlry. The boys were off to the park to play Ultimate Frizbee and chew bubble gum. We discovered that the concept of "kickoff" is foreign to Indian sports - that were able to learn quickly everything but the need to kickoff to the other team. No matter - it was ultimate fun! We sure are going to miss our new friends.

Please pray for us as we say our sad "good-byes" on Thursday to our new friends in Dehli and visit a local businessman in Panipat. Catch us on the radio - we will be interviewed by Jeff Schell KKMS AM 980 at 3:30 PM today. You can hear it on-line a KKMS.COM.
Have a great day,
Pastor Dan


Cindy said...

I heard your radio interview online from my home in Fargo. Wow. That was wonderful to hear your voices. Have a safe trip tomorrow. I am blessed by your reports.

For Him, Cindy

Cindy said...

I heard your radio interview online from my home in Fargo. Wow. That was wonderful to hear your voices. Have a safe trip tomorrow. I am blessed by your reports.

For Him, Cindy

Janie said...

Hi - Rob & Jeanine
I'm so glad to be a part of your prayer list. It has been amazing and fun to review your agenda on your bog. I continue to pray for you to continue to have a wonderful and safe journey.

Carly Stadum-Liang said...

It looks like you're having a wonderful time and really getting to connect with those you are meeting. I pray that the Lord will bless the rest of your trip!
