Sunday, November 11, 2007

Photos from Fri 11-9 -Sun 11/11


Unknown said...

i love you mom. dear leah
Hi Julie and all. We're glad that everyone made it safe and appears well. Things are going great here, in fact is 70something. Anyways,got get to the kids, talk to ya'll later.

Anonymous said...

Hey India team!

So gald, or glad, you guys are safe...Manda, I was happy to see you with the small creature on your head; hopefully, it's not for dinner tomorrow night:). Tom, Jack, and I are praying for you all. "If you've come here to help me, you're wasting your time, but if you've come because your liberation is bound in mine, then let us join together..." (Remember when we talked a little about that, Manda?)
Love you so much! Jess

Unknown said...

Hey, India team! You look great and not too sleepy. Hoping jet lag has eased and you can now get into the school and assisting as you see fit, knowing always God is showing you the way.

Julie, we arrived at church EARLY Sunday and Eric and kids were getting out of the van right beside us - he even looked OK!

Mary and Jerry, we will be missing you in small group tomorrow night!

We have been sending prayers your way - you will be changed! Will be excited to hear of your blessings received and given.

Blessings, Kristi & Mike

Judy Markson said...

Hey Amanda - who's your new friend?
We've been praying every day for all you guys and its so great to be able to read about what you're doing over there. It was snowing a little this morning but now the sun is out.
Dan, have you found any good coffee yet?
May the Lord bless the rest of your time in India. We'll be anxious to hear more about it when you get home.